
Friday, November 28, 2008

So, he's here! Whoo hoo! It was a long process and completely worth it. Boaz Eleazar Black is a wonderful and delightful baby boy! We decided (mostly me, I was 2 days overdue and impatient) to induce this time again... and boy were we all wrong about him coming early- even the induction took forever -17hours! Boaz likes to take his time, what can I say? The meds they gave me were different than those with Gabe's induction and so they must have responded more slowly or something. I still didn't have to have pitocin! hurray. so it was natural labor once again for me (minus one dose of the narcotic pain killer after 16 hours.) Labor was intense like Gabe's but I had more time between contractions so I lasted longer with more energy. My labor with Gabriel had a 10 hour chunk of 1 min. on 1 min. off contractions. These hurt the same but I had 3-4 min. btw for most of the time! So much easier to catch your breath! and once again at the end I went from a 7 to 10 to pushing him out in like 30 min. 10 min. of pushing total- no tears, episiotomies or anything. What a thrill. I practically recovered overnight. It was amazing. A total blessing.
Gabriel is doing really well with Boaz too! It helped that we were in Wenatchee with my folks for a good chunk of time and he got lots of extra attention.He loves to sit and wave and say "hi" to his little brother...and hover and practically sit on him he gets so excited. But, it's a good thing. Just gotta watch close. Plus my amazing mom came up to our home after Boaz was born for like 6 days and spring cleaned my house for me, plus helped me get christmas baking done and put thanksgiving together. What a godsend. She is wonderful and a blessing to our family.

So, pretty much we are doing wonderfully and feel so very blessed to have our family and friends. This birth was a wonderful redirection to our Lord and Savior Jesus in being thankful and pressing near at all times to Him! We are so thrilled and cared for by His sweet mercy, grace, and peace! hope all of you are well. All our love, Amber denver gabriel and boaz

Thursday, November 20, 2008

He's here!

And so, our new baby boy has arrived! He is a SLOW mover and took his sweet time in his arrival- 2 days overdue and we ended up with an induction. But, even though it was a VERY long labor (17 hours) which was 5 hours longer than his older brother took in an induction as well, it was much easier on mom! And, I pushed him out in 10 min. no tearing or nothing! so, we are now in the adjustment to being a family of four and it is an amazing blessing and delightful and filled with no sleep! But, praise God for His faithfulness, mercy and strength. Without Him we would be destitute! Can't wait for everyone to meet him... we'll have pictures soon!

Friday, October 24, 2008


Well, Boaz is not here yet but we are thinking he will be arriving early :) our estimate is the first week of November considering that I am already dialated, effaced 1/2 way and his head is between my knees - haha 
We are so excited for his arrival and all the joys that come with it! We appreciate all of your prayers and will keep everyone updated as to his birth, etc. May the Lord God Almighty hold you over the next few months of thankfulness and reflection. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

here's a not so great but current pic of my preggerness :)
our adults only dinner with our great friends Tim and Cara :)
My boys at Olivia's tink birthday... it was 104 degrees that day! (August)

Friday, September 12, 2008

here's a small assortment of photos... me and Gabe at my gramma's

trying to get a family photo
in disneyworld- gabe is 6 months
disneyworld again
disneyworld again :)
our wonderful ham- Gabriel Zechariah

a hearty hello

hey all-

This is our official family blog... hello and hurray! Thought it would make it easier for all of you to keep up with us if we had something like this:)
we are just into our fall season now- ahhh, it's like taking a very long wonderful breath of air after having to hold it awhile! We are very excited about Boaz's arrival and can't wait to meet him- a bit less than 9 weeks till that! Praying that Gabriel does good in the adjustment. He is such an attention getter and a super super super busy kid. We LoVE all of his little antics, but I want him to be excited about his new brother... I know it will just take a little time. (and he's young! they will be about 17 months apart!) Anyways, we are feeling very blessed, excited and can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us this year... what a blessing to be cared for by such a merciful and almighty savior!