
Friday, November 28, 2008

So, he's here! Whoo hoo! It was a long process and completely worth it. Boaz Eleazar Black is a wonderful and delightful baby boy! We decided (mostly me, I was 2 days overdue and impatient) to induce this time again... and boy were we all wrong about him coming early- even the induction took forever -17hours! Boaz likes to take his time, what can I say? The meds they gave me were different than those with Gabe's induction and so they must have responded more slowly or something. I still didn't have to have pitocin! hurray. so it was natural labor once again for me (minus one dose of the narcotic pain killer after 16 hours.) Labor was intense like Gabe's but I had more time between contractions so I lasted longer with more energy. My labor with Gabriel had a 10 hour chunk of 1 min. on 1 min. off contractions. These hurt the same but I had 3-4 min. btw for most of the time! So much easier to catch your breath! and once again at the end I went from a 7 to 10 to pushing him out in like 30 min. 10 min. of pushing total- no tears, episiotomies or anything. What a thrill. I practically recovered overnight. It was amazing. A total blessing.
Gabriel is doing really well with Boaz too! It helped that we were in Wenatchee with my folks for a good chunk of time and he got lots of extra attention.He loves to sit and wave and say "hi" to his little brother...and hover and practically sit on him he gets so excited. But, it's a good thing. Just gotta watch close. Plus my amazing mom came up to our home after Boaz was born for like 6 days and spring cleaned my house for me, plus helped me get christmas baking done and put thanksgiving together. What a godsend. She is wonderful and a blessing to our family.

So, pretty much we are doing wonderfully and feel so very blessed to have our family and friends. This birth was a wonderful redirection to our Lord and Savior Jesus in being thankful and pressing near at all times to Him! We are so thrilled and cared for by His sweet mercy, grace, and peace! hope all of you are well. All our love, Amber denver gabriel and boaz


Diana said...

I am so glad you healed so fast! I so hope I have the same luck next time.. uh minus the 17hrs of labor, I thought 12 was enough. :) I sometimes think I can steal feal where i tore.. yikes. thats what I get from an almost 9 pound baby with a big head! lol.
anyway, keep updating your blog so I can see more pictures and more of your life with your little ones!

Kirsten said...

Hi, this is Kirsten (Heidi's little sister). Cousin Nicole told me you had your second child and I wanted to congratulate you.
Please give Denver and Sheianne, and Heidi and Monty all my best. I miss them alot.
Take care!